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Becoming a Dangerous Woman: An Afternoon With Pat Mitchell Presented by Tena Clark & Michelle LeClair


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Becoming a Dangerous Woman: An Afternoon With Pat Mitchell Presented by Tena Clark & Michelle LeClair

  • Gainey Hall 10640 Serenbe Lane Palmetto, GA, 30268 United States (map)

Please join friends of Hills & Hamlets Bookshop Tena Clark and Michelle LeClair in welcoming Pat Mitchell to the community as part of the promotional tour for her newly released book Becoming a Dangerous Woman. Please RSVP here:


Becoming a Dangerous Woman is an intimate and inspiring memoir and call to action from Pat Mitchell — groundbreaking media icon, global advocate for women's rights, and co-founder and curator of TEDWomen.


We’ve created a benefit collection to increase awareness of and support for the creative design and entrepreneurial enterprises led by women. To offer an opportunity to ‘purchase with purpose’ as the proceeds support the work of organizations profiled in the book.

Dangerous times call for dangerous women.