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Book Signing and Meet & Greet with Author Christina Chiu


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Book Signing and Meet & Greet with Author Christina Chiu

  • Hills & Hamlets Bookshop 10625 Serenbe Lane Chattahoochee Hills, GA, 30268 United States (map)

Please join us for a book signing and casual meet & greet with author, speaker, and shoe designer Christina Chiu. Christina will be at the bookstore signing copies of her novel Beauty. Drop in any time from noon to 2pm on Saturday May 28th.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Amy Wong is an up-and-coming designer in the New York fashion industry; she is young, beautiful, and has it all. But she finds herself at odds with rival designers in a world rife with chauvinism and prejudice.

In her personal life, she struggles with marriage and motherhood, finding that her choices often fall short of her traditional family’s expectations. Derailed again and again, Amy must confront her own limitations to succeed as the designer and person she wants to be.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Christina Chiu is the grand-prize winner of the James Alan McPherson Award for her novel, Beauty. She is also author of Troublemaker and Other Saints, published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Troublemaker was alternate selection for BOMC and QPB, a nominee for a BOMC First Fiction Award, and winner of the Asian American Literary Award.

Chiu is the recipient of the Robert Simpson Fellowship, the Alternate Selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, the Van Lier Fellowship; she won the New Stone Circle Fiction Contest, won second place in the Playboy Fiction Contest, and was nominated for the Stephen Crane First Fiction Award. She has been a Wiepersdorf Fellow and a Claire Woolrich Scholar.