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The Georgia Book & Paper Fair at the Decatur Book Festival


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The Georgia Book & Paper Fair at the Decatur Book Festival

  • Ebster Gym 105 Electric Avenue Decatur, GA, 30030 United States (map)

We will be an exhibiting vendor under our sister store’s name Underground Books. Event details below:

Please consider joining us for the 2019 Georgia Book and Paper Fair during the AJC-Decatur Book Festival! Find us in the Ebster Recreation Center gymnasium (at the corner of Electric Avenue and Trinity in downtown Decatur) on Saturday August 31st from 10am to 6pm and Sunday September 1st from noon to 6pm. Specialist dealers in rare books and paper ephemera will be exhibiting thousands of items for sale.

Hosted by the Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers Association, we are excited to continue this unique addition to the AJC-Decatur Book Festival. The Georgia Book & Paper Fair is sure to be a source for exciting "finds" for the thousands of book browsing bibliophiles in attendance.

Best of all -- entrance is FREE!